Bird Photographer of the Year 2022 Winners
The Bird Photographer of the Year 2022 winners have been unveiled. Photographers worldwide entered more than 20,000 images into the competition, each with their eyes on the £5,000 grand prize.
Overall Winner and Bird Photographer of the Year 2022
Taking the title of Bird Photographer of the Year, the Overall Winner is ‘Rock Ptarmigan Flight’ by Erlend Haarberg. It features a Rock ptarmigan in winter plumage taking flight over the frozen landscape of Tysfjorden, Norway. Haarberg wins the top prize of £5,000 and the prestigious title. His image also won Gold Award in the Birds in the Environment category.
‘Rock Ptarmigan’ by Erlend Haarberg. Overall Winner and Bird Photographer of the Year 2022.
Young Bird Photographer of the Year
For the second year in a row, the Young Bird Photographer of the Year is 17-year-old Levi Fitze with his image ‘Facing the Storm’. Fitze wins £300 in vouchers for camera equipment.
‘Facing the Storm’ by Levi Fitze. Young Bird Photographer of the Year 2022.
Best Portfolio - Winner (Sponsored by Olympus)
Sherbelis from Israel: Winner of the Best Portfolio award this year. Sherbelis’ photographs demonstrate an incredible ability to work with remote triggers to get a unique, close-up perspective of bird life.
Best Portrait - Winners
An image that best captures the character of the subject bird and its distinctive features. We look for images that include lots of detail, captured in a classic pose or showing the animal’s features.
Best Portrait - Highly Commended
Birds in the Environment - Winners
This category focuses on photos that best demonstrate the relationship between a bird and its habitat.
Birds in the Environment - Highly Commended
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