Nature TTL 2022: Winners

The 2022 competition saw over 8,000 images competing for the title of Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2022, with photographers submitting images from all around the world.

The Overall Winner took home a £1,500 cash prize, whilst the Young winner secured a £250 camera voucher prize.

Overall Winner: Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2022

‘A Cat and Its Prize’ by Dennis Stogsdill, USA

We had received word about a serval hunting birds along the shore of Lake Ndutu (lower Serengeti) so we raced over to see. Upon arrival, we quickly realised that it was in fact a caracal and not a serval, and it was hunting flamingos that were feeding in the shallows. Within a minute of arrival, the caracal started stalking and eventually was successful (in dramatic fashion) at hunting one of the beautiful but unlucky birds. In this image you see the caracal walking off with its prize.

Overall Winner: Young Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2022

‘Vantage Points’ by Achintya Murthy, India

Malabar Parakeets are wonderful creatures. They are also called blue winged parakeets. They usually flock together and are seen in huge numbers. In the midst of a bunch of activities, it was my privilege to shoot this image from a bird hide. These two are fighting over a stump that had paddy grains as its feed.

2022 Winners: Animal Behaviour

2022 Winners: Camera Traps

2022 Winners: Small World

2022 Winners: Wild Portraits

2022 Winners: Urban Wildlife

View the full Winners Gallery on Nature TTL website.

Damith Danthanarayana

I am Damith Danthanarayana, basically a Mechanical Engineer from Sweden.

Photography is my passion but not my profession. Since 2015, nature, wildlife and macro photography has been a major part of my life.

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