16th International Contest of Photography (NARAVA 2023)

NARAVA 2023, an International Salon of Photography, is open to all photographers from all over the world. The salon conforms to the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS), the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), and

NARAVA 2023, an International Salon of Photography, is open to all photographers from all over the world. The salon conforms to the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS), the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), and the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

You can enter online through our web page. The PDF file with complete Conditions of Entry can be downloaded from HERE>>>

International Contest Narava is one of the very few salons that still publishes a high-quality printed catalog. FIAP 5 stars. The organizer of contest is: Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje, Slovenia. The contest is open to anyone from all over the world. The contest is conformed with the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS), International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), and the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

The entry fee with a printed catalog is 30€ (35$) for one of three sections. The participant who pays this Entry Fee receives a high-quality, 112-page printed catalog (FIAP 5 stars).

Entry fees with the PDF catalog is 20€ (25$) for one section or 25 € (30 $) for two or three sections. In this case, the participant receives a PDF catalog downloadable from the web page. They offer a discount for group entries (more than 5 participants). For the amount and instructions, please visit the website of the contest: www.fotodrustvo-grca.si/narava.html



  • OPEN - (Color - PSA PID Color)


Size of the photos

The maximum horizontal length of 1920 pixels or the maximum vertical length of 1080 pixels must not exceed 2 MB per image in JPEG/JPG image format.

Time frame

  • Closing date: August 29, 2023

  • Judging: September 03-10, 2023

  • Notification: September 15, 2023

  • Public presentation: October 07, 2023

  • Mailing catalogues: October, 30, 2023


The organizer will publish two types of catalogs.

  • All participants in the contest will receive a PDF catalog, of 112 pages. The catalog will be available for download from the contest website. The catalog will be digitally published with all awarded photographs and with a certain number of photographs chosen by the organizer.

  • Printed catalog. This catalog will be given only to those participants who will pay an appropriate entry fee of € 30.

NARAVA 2023, an International Salon of Photography, is open to all photographers from all over the world. The salon conforms to the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS), the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), and

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Damith Danthanarayana

I am Damith Danthanarayana, basically a Mechanical Engineer from Sweden.

Photography is my passion but not my profession. Since 2015, nature, wildlife and macro photography has been a major part of my life.


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